2021.12-2021.12 南开大学现代光学所 副研究员
2019.01-2021.12 南开大学现代光学所 讲师
2016.10-2019.01 香港中文大学机械与自动化工程学系 Postdoctoral Fellow
香港中文大学深圳研究院 副研究员
2011.09-2016.06 南开大学电子信息与光学工程学院 光学 博士
2009.09-2011.06 天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院 光电子技术科学 学士
2007.09-2009.06 南开大学信息技术科学学院 光电子技术科学 学士
1. 多模光波导光子神经网络传输机理及其高速目标识别应用研究 国家自然科学基金面上项目 53万 在研 主持
2. 其他国家级纵向项目 80万 在研 主持
3. 横向项目 2024.11 -2029.11 1652万 在研 主持
1、基于数字微镜阵列的多模光纤全息光镊及其应用研究 国家自然科学基金青年项目 2020.1-2022.12 25万 结题 主持
2、基于光纤光栅的粒子捕获与操控技术研究 天津市自然科学基金青年项目 省部级 2021.12-2023.12 6万 结题 主持
3、海洋信息融合与感知 南方海洋科学与工程广东省重点实验室创新团队项目横向 2020.1-2020.12 150万 结题 主持
4、横向项目 2022.7 -2023.7 21万 结题 主持
5、横向项目 2024.1 -2024.8 28.5万 结题 主持
2024年 指导学生获得互联网+大学生创新创业大赛天津市金奖,指导学生获得中银杯大学生创新创业大赛天津市银奖。
1. 张昊、刘波、林炜、苗银萍、刘艳格、王志,一种基于镱锗共掺微结构光纤窄线宽双波长激光器的太赫兹波源:中国,201210141017X[P],2013-09-11
2. 林炜,孙心昀 刘波 战晓寒 李保洁 刘海锋 张昊;一种基于倾斜光纤光栅光镊的细胞分选仪,专利号:ZL 202011110400.X,授权日:2022年5月10日。
3. 刘波,蔡岳丰,刘海锋,林炜,张昊;一种基于晶体电光效应的空间光自适应耦合装置,专利号:ZL 2020105598021,授权日:2021年10月19日。
4. 林炜,刘波,刘海锋,张昊;一种一次成型的3D打印装置,专利号:ZL 202011072775.1,授权日:2021年8月31日。
5. 张昊,梁莹,李珊珊,林炜,刘波,刘艳格,王志,基于微结构光纤回音壁模式微腔的磁控可调谐太赫兹轨道角动量光束生成器,专利号:ZL202010715158.2,授权日:2021年4月30日。
6. 张昊; 范淼森; 龚中华; 林炜; 刘波; 刘艳格; 王志;一种基于级联宇称时间对称光纤F-P谐振腔的毫米波发生器;ZL 202111401341.6, 2023年11月24日
7. 张昊; 龚中华; 林炜; 刘波; 李珊珊; 刘艳格; 王志;量子点填充的空气包层空芯ZBLAN光纤及其中红外单模激光器;ZL 202110633390.6,2022-7-29,
8. 刘波; 蔡岳丰; 刘海峰; 林炜; 张昊; 闫宝罗; 孟森森;基于侧向泵浦的星载光放大器光热退火增强装置及方法,ZL 2021 1 0318656.8,2023-5-30
9. 刘波; 王一凡; 林炜; 段少祥; 刘海锋; 姚远; 一种EDFA瞬态效应控制系统及控制方法,ZL 202210947465.2,2024年02月13日
1. J. Wang, W. Lin*, H. Zhang, H. Liang, S. Duan, Y. Yao, and B. Liu, "High-fidelity decryption technology for visual cryptography based on incoherent optical polarization XNOR operation," Opt. Express 32(20), 34172-34183 (2024)
2. S. Hu, F. Liu, B. Song, H. Zhang, W. Lin*, B. Liu, S. Duan*, Y. Yao, “Multimode fiber image reconstruction based on parallel neural network with small training set under wide temperature variations” Opt. Laser Technol. 175:110815, (2024).
3. K. Cai, L. Chen, Y. Zhang, J. Wang, W. Lin*, S. Duan, B. Liu, On-chip photoelectric hybrid convolutional accelerator based on Bragg grating array, Res. in Phys. 65, 107968 (2024).
4. W. Lin, S. Zhang, B. Liu, H. Zhang, H. Liu, J. Han, and F. Liu, Optical trapping and manipulation of massive particles based on spatial diffraction of a 45° tilted fiber Bragg grating, Opt. Express 30, 46106-46120 (2022).
5. X. Ma, B. Song*, W. Lin*, J. Wu, W. Huang, B. Liu, High-fidelity decryption technology of Visual Cryptography based on optical coherence operation, Res. in Phys. 43, 106065 (2022).
6. J. Zhao, J. Yan, Z. Dong, C. Liu, Y. Han, Y. Peng*, W. Lin*, and Y. Zhu*, “Cladding-Free Antiresonance in Tubular Structures, Adv. Photonics Res., 3: 2200148(2022).
7. Z. Guo, Z. Lu, S. Meng, W. Lin*, H. Zhang, B. Liu, H. Liu, and Y. Yao, Analog transmission of time-frequency signal in atmospheric turbulence environment, Opt. Express 30(19), 34077-34091 (2022)
8. S. Hu, H. Liu, B. Liu, W. Lin*, H. Zhang, B. Song and J. Wu, Self-temperature compensation approach for fiber specklegram magnetic field sensor based on polarization specklegram analysis, Meas. Sci. Technol. 33(11) 115101, 2022
9. B. Song, C. Jin, J. Wu*, W. Lin*, B. Liu, W. Huang, and S. Chen, Deep learning image transmission through a multimode fiber based on a small training dataset, Opt. Express 30(4) 5657-5672, 2022.
10. Y. Cai, H. Liu, B. Liu, W. Lin*, H. Zhang, and Y. Qiao, Performance degradation and recovery of irradiated spaceborne fiber amplifier, Appl. Opt. 61(4), 995-1000, 2022.
11. Y. Cai, H. Liu, B. Liu, W. Lin*, H. Zhang, Z. Lu and Y Qiao, All-optical Power Equalization for Mitigating Scintillation Under Atmospheric Turbulence, Opt. Commun., 522, 128657, 2022.
12. Z. Lu, Z. Guo, M. Fan, M. Guo, C. Li, Y. Yao, H. Zhang, W. Lin*, H. Liu, and B. Liu, Tunable Bessel Beam Shaping for Robust Atmospheric Optical Communication, J. Lightwave Technol., 40(15) 5097 – 5106 2022.
13. W. Lin, H. Zhang*, Z. Gong, B. Liu, H. Liu, B. Song, J. Wu, Nonreciprocal morphology-dependent resonance in stacked spinning microresonators, J. Lightwave Technol., 39(8) 2443- 2453, 2021.
14. W. Lin, D. Chen, and S. Chen*, Emerging micro-additive manufacturing technologies enabled by novel optical methods, Photon. Res. 8(12) 1827-1842, 2020.
15. X. Hu, H. Zhang*, W. Lin*, T. Liu, and B. Liu, Light-Controlled Asymmetric Dual-S-Taper Fiber Interferometer Integrated With Ethyl Orange Solution Under 473 nm Laser Illumination. IEEE Sens. J., 21(21), 24149-24156, 2021.
16. W. Lin,H. Liu*,C. Yang,B. Liu,and H. Zhang, Fibre-optic salinity sensor based on multimode fibre specklegram analysis, Meas. Sci. & Technol. 32(11) 115110 (2021).
17. W. Lin, D. Wang, Y. Meng, and S. C. Chen*, Multi-focus microscope with HiLo algorithm for fast 3-D fluorescent imaging, Plos One 14(9), e0222729, 2019.
18. Y. Liang, H. Zhang*, W. Lin*, S. Li, Y. Wang, and B. Liu, Design of a magnetically tuned terahertz orbital angular momentum mode in air-clad microstructured optical fibers integrated with liquid crystals. Opt. Eng. 60(5), 056107, 2021.
1. F. Feng, W. Chen, D. Chen, W. Lin,* and S. C. Chen*, In-situ ultrasensitive label-free DNA hybridization detection using optical fiber specklegram, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 272, 160-165,2018.
2. W. Lin, H. Zhang, S. C. Chen, B. Liu, and Y. Liu, Microstructured optical fiber for multichannel sensing based on Fano resonance of the whispering gallery modes, Opt. Express 25(2), 994-1004 (2017). (IF: 3.307, )
3. W. Lin, H. Zhang, B. Liu, B. Song, Y. Li, C. Yang, and Y. Liu, Laser-tuned whispering gallery modes in a solid-core microstructured optical fibre integrated with magnetic fluids, Scientific Reports, 5, 17791, 2015.
4. W. Lin, H. Zhang, B. Song, Y. Miao, B. Liu, D. Yan, and Y. Liu, Magnetically controllable wavelength-division-multiplexing fiber coupler, Optics Express 23(9), 11123-11134, 2015.
5. W. Lin, B. Liu , H. Zhang , B. Song , D. Yan , Y. Miao , H. Liu, and Y. Liu, Laser-induced thermal effect for tunable filter employing Ferrofluid and fiber taper coupler, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 27(22), 2339-2342, 2015.
6. W. Lin, Y. Miao, B. Song, H. Zhang, B. Liu, Y. Liu, and D. Yan, Multimodal transmission property in a liquid-filled photonic crystal fiber, Optics Communications 336, 14-19, 2015.
7. W. Lin, B. Song, Y. Miao, H. Zhang, D. Yan, B. Liu, and Y. Liu, Liquid-filled photonic- crystal-fiber-based multimodal interferometer for simultaneous measurement of temperature and force, Applied optics 54 (6), 1309-1313, 2015.
8. W. Lin, Y. Miao, H. Zhang, B. Liu, Y. Liu, and B. Song, Fiber-optic in-line magnetic field sensor based on the magnetic fluid and multimode interference effects, Applied Physics Letters 103 (15), 151101, 2013.
9. W. Lin, Y. Miao, H. Zhang, B. Liu, Y. Liu, B. Song, and J. Wu, Two-dimensional magnetic field vector sensor based on tilted fiber Bragg grating and magnetic fluid, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 31 (15), 2599-2605, 2013.
Journal of Lightwave Technology,IEEE Sensor Journal,Optics Express,Optical Engineering等期刊审稿人