

  • 段少祥
    性别 : 所属部门 :
    职称 : 讲师 学历 : 博士
    行政职务 : 所学专业 : 光学工程
    办公电话 :
    邮箱 : sxduan@nankai.edu.cn
    研究方向 : 光纤光子学与光通信传感技术





1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于空分复用微纳光纤的立体多参量海洋微塑料原位检


2. 天津市自然科学基金青年项目,空分复用型微纳光纤海洋微塑料定向检测研究,2022.102024-96万,在研,主持

3. 国家重点研发计划,生物性污染物高通量快速在线检测技术与装备,2023-122027-11370万元,在研,参与


1. 2022年天津市自然科学三等奖,“功能化微纳光纤的特异性生物光流控机制研究”,排名4/5

2. 2023年天津市科学技术进步二等奖,“基于多模态光电感知的海上石油平台数智安全管控技术及应用”,排名4/8

3. 2024年南开大学优秀班导师

4. 指导的实践团队获得2022年中青报全国大学生暑期实践团队TOP100”

5. 指导的实践团队获得2023年南开大学师生四同卓越团队称号;

6. 指导的参赛团队获得2023年第十八届挑战杯课外学术科技作品竞赛红色专项全国二等奖;

7. 指导的参赛团队获得2023年第十三届挑战杯创业大赛全国银奖;

8. 指导的参赛团队获得2023年第八届互联网+”双创大赛全国铜奖;


1. 一种EDFA瞬态效应控制系统及控制方法,刘波; 王一凡; 林炜; 段少祥; 刘海锋; 姚远,ZL 2022 1 0947465.2



1. Duan, S., Wang, W., Xiong, L., Wang, B., Liu, B., Lin, W., ... & Zhang, X. (2025). All in-fiber Fabry–Pérot interferometer sensor towards refractive index and temperature simultaneous sensing. Optics & Laser Technology, 180, 111551.

2. Xiong, L., Duan, S.*, Wang, W., Yao, Y., Zhang, H., Liu, B., ... & Zhang, X. (2024). ZIF-8 functionalized S-tapered fiber-optic sensor for polystyrene nanoplastics detection by electrostatic adsorption. Talanta, 275, 126168.(中科院一区TOP

3. Xiong, L., Duan, S.*, Wang, W., Liu, H., Lin, W., Yao, Y., ... & Zhang, X. (2024). Lab on Fiber: Photopolymer Self-growing Micro-cone for Highly Sensitive Temperature and Salinity Detection. Journal of Lightwave Technology.(中科院一区TOP

4. Xu, D., Lu, Z., Duan, S.*, Zhang, X., Lin, W., Yao, Y., ... & Liu, B. (2024). Autofocusing and self-healing properties of circular Mathieu beam carrying orbital angular momentum. Optics & Laser Technology, 177, 111186.

5. Wang W, Duan S*, Xiong L, et al. Hybrid structured fiber-optic Fabry–Pérot interferometer for simultaneous bicarbonate and temperature measurements[J]. Optics & Laser Technology, 2024, 175: 110752.

6. Xu, D., Duan, S.*, Mao, X., Ren, W., Yao, Y., Lin, W., ... & Liu, B. (2024). Generation and reconfiguration of interference-pattern helico-conical beams. Chinese Optics Letters, 22(9), 090009.

7. Hu, S., Liu, F., Song, B., Zhang, H., Lin, W.*, Liu, B., Duan, S.*, Yao, Y. (2024). Multimode fiber image reconstruction based on parallel neural network with small training set under wide temperature variations. Optics & Laser Technology, 175, 110815.

8. Wang, Y., Guo, M., Lu, Z., Yao, Y., Zhang, H., Liu, B., Duan, S.*, Liu, H., Lin, W. (2024). Pattern effect suppression of pulse signals based on pre-signal control method. Journal of Optics, 26(4), 045703.

9. Wang, Y., Guo, M., Jia, X., Yao, Y., Zhang, H., Liu, B., Duan, S.*, Liu, H., Lin, W. (2024). Performance of a superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors-based bi-directional communication system at ultra-low received optical power. Optical Engineering, 63(1), 018104-018104.

10. Wang, J., Wei, X., Zhu, Y., Shen, Y., Pang, L., & Duan, S*. (2024). Seawater temperature and salinity sensing based on in-fiber Michelson-Fabry-Perrot hybrid interferometer employing frequency domain decomposition method. Optoelectronics Letters, 20(2), 70-75.


天津市核学会理事,Optics & Laser TechnologyIEEE Photonics JournalOptical Fiber Technology等期刊审稿人